It is a software that allows to evaluate and analyze the compliance of the Minimum Safety Distances of the conductors of an existing Transmission Line to the nearby constructions. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to know the current conditions of effort and arrow of the existing conductors and from this, to carry out the simulations of their behavior in other environmental conditions (wind, temperature, etc.).
Technical specifications
Intuitive and friendly graphical interface
Wide editable database of structures, supports, conductors and insulators according to the different regulations of each country.
Automatic distribution of structures and design optimization.
Reports of a wide range of mechanical calculations and drawings in printable and exportable formats.
- Effective and timely projects.
- More satisfied customers
- Free time to dedicate to other activities and / or projects.
- Capacidad para abarcar más proyectos simultáneamente.
- Saving expenses
- Free maintenance for 2 years (final licenses)
- Permanent Technical Support
Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7.8, 10 (32b and 64b)
Hardware: Pentium IV or higher, 10 MB Hard Disk, 256 MB RAM
For the case of DLTCAD, the data entry is done through text files (for this you can use the Notepad or WordPad). In this case the AutoCad would only serve to visualize the sheet reports generated by the DLT-CAD.
For the case of DIREDCAD, although it has an option to load the cadastre in DXF format (this file is generated from AutoCad), this file can be transferred from the computers that have the AutoCad. Also in the training we provide, we provide the files in DXF formats for those who do not have the AutoCad. In this case the program also generates sheets of the distribution of structures made that can be visualized with the AutoCad.
Yes it is possible to carry out training in Bogotá or in any country. We have customers all over the world.
On the other hand to the delivery of the product are delivered Videos Tutorials where step by step explains the management procedures and the main Program Options, theme by theme.
There is also the possibility of doing distance training, both virtual mode through our platform, which allows us to take online courses. We can also carry out training in Vivo (via video conference over the internet), as we have done with several clients in Colombia and other countries.
Degrees one from the previous one. 3-conductor lines are used to transmit, but for final use 4-wire lines, which are 3 phases and neutral, are used.
It works with different types of supports among which we have:
- Wood
- Concrete
- Celosía
- Metal
- Fiberglass
The electricity distribution network is the part of the electricity supply system whose function is to supply power from the distribution substation to the end users. The distribution network can be:
- Single Phase
- Biphasic
- Three Phase
Electric transmission networks are those used to transport electrical energy over long distances, between power plants and distribution networks. This is done in high voltage