Electric power distribution and commercialization company in the South-Middle region of Peru
The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), through the General Directorate of Rural Electrification (DGER-MEM), has the competence in the field of rural electrification in coordination with the Regional and…
Company that is one of the main contractors of electromechanical projects in Peru and South America that develops cutting edge technology and ventures, as a pioneer in renewable energy projects…
The ENEL Group is the world leader in the energy sector, with a presence in over 30 countries and 4 continent
The largest copper company in Mexico and Peru and the fifth largest in the world.
Company with 15 years of experience in the industrial electricity sector.
Universidad de los Andes
The most important university in Colombia Cra 1 N° 18ª – 12 Bogotá, (Colombia)